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                Let's share with our weekly podcasters:

Dunia Perdomo

Magda Diaz

 This week podcast topic is: 

"Is there a genetic predisposition for humans to learn a language?"


  1. hello girls excellent explanation you are catch my attention to the begin to the end with this interesting topic. about "I s there a genetic predisposition for humans to learn a language?"
    Great Job!

  2. Great! when we think on factors involved in learning language a genetic can be possible, cuz, that´s the thing we call "easy as cake". Never learn it but when you hear it is like you know it since always.

  3. hello, excellent your explanation was interesting,in my opinion genetic predisposition might favour the evolution of structural features of languages. thanks four sharing

  4. Fantastic Dunia, Genetic factors are important contributors to language and learning disorders, and discovery of the underlying genes can help delineate the basic neurological pathways that are involved.


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