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 Let's share with our weekly podcasters:

Sandra Fonseca

Cesia David

This week podcast topics are: 

How important is the language barrier in social media? & Endangered languages as well as causes of language extinction


  1. Talking about my topic: Wow! never think of it but yeah, language barrier is in everything, the thing is know how to transmit the msg, or feelings without offending others. Make others understand us.

  2. Talking on Cesia´s topic
    Well, what can I say, nowadays people is more interest in learn English than other language; it is ok but at the same time sad, cuz here in Honduras there are some that now are called "lenguas muertas" because the native do not transmit to the newest generation; maybe to avoid discrimination, maybe cuz the speaker consider that their children need to learn somethin else "more important."


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