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                Let's share with our weekly podcasters:

Darina Avila

Irina Lambert

 This week podcast topic is: 

"Grammatical as well as lexical changes"


  1. I like how important is this, still remember on the first level when Ms Meholy mentiont that "before leanr a new language, learn your L1, learn its grammar, it will make easy at the moment when you start learning L2

  2. Lexical change is the most common and perhaps the most visible sort of language change. For example, we may confidently declare the age of a speaker who uses the phrase courting to signify 'going out with,' or one who uses the adjective fit to describe someone they find appealing.

  3. hello, Grammatical change is the process of change in grammatical features of a language over time

  4. Hey girls, grammatical meaning is the meaning conveyed in a sentence by word order and other grammatical signals. Also called structural meaning. Linguists distinguish grammatical meaning from lexical meaning (or denotation)--that is, the dictionary meaning of an individual word.


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